Data Storage

Client Personal Data Storage Time At The Hotel

Personal guest data (fs-152)
Положение по обработке и защите персональных данных We received this letter during the extended meeting of the Russian Union Tour Industry Commission on Entry Tourism (ITC) in St. Petersburg, the participants discussed the organization of a personal data processing procedure for the industry.
The Chief of the Division for the Protection of the Rights of Personal Data Entities in Information Technology of Roskundsor Ekaterin Stepanova recalled the basic requirements of Federal Law 152-FZ of Personal Data, the development of enterprise documentation, beginning with the order to provide the responsible officer for the processing of personal data of all categories of citizens (for staff and clients), local acts, familiarization of staff with the requirements of the law on personnel Personal dataall this had to be done in 2007 (at the time of entry into force of the Act). The monitoring of compliance with personal data legislation has not been carried out by the Roscundsor for the first year. All audit plans are posted on the website of the Prosecutor ' s Office of St. Petersburg, but there may also be unscheduled checks on citizens ' communications.
Article 22 of the Federal Personal Data Act obliges operators to notify the authorized body for the protection of the rights of the subjects of personal data about their intention to process personal data prior to processing. The survey has developed a form of Notification of Processing (objective to Process) Personal Data, reflecting the content and list of mandatory fields to be filled, as well as Recommendations for completing the notification of processing (obligation to process) personal data.
Tour operators who process tourist personal data and send them to third parties need to be notified to the Roskundsor. This is a legislative requirement that does not entail any cost. To register, please visit the Roskundsor website.

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