Data Storage

Electronic Personal Data Storage

State authorities may authorize ductb constituent /b constituent documents only in

arhivaciya-dokumentovThe draft is an amendment to the Electronic Signature Act. A year ago, their adoption started an Internet-based Ombudsman Dmitri Marinichev. In his view, this would enable the communications operators and the state to save huge money. According to the expert estimates provided in the explanatory note to the bill, the total cost of the Russian economy for the storage, processing and destruction of paper documents exceeds 200 billion roubles per year. The use of electronic duplicate documents will minimize these costs.

The experts of the Government of the Russian Federation see the problem of the use of paper documents, especially the inability to provide electronic signatures to each individual, despite the fact that electronic documentation has been sufficiently advanced in recent times. Many organizations and businesses therefore have to sign documents with individuals on paper, in fact duplicating documents. Irina Levova, the moderator of the Working Group " Links and IT " , noted that, in most cases, paper documents were virtually non-utilized:

" The fact that in the vast majority of cases paper documents are not used is that they are replaced by database records or scanned copies. The originals shall be stored exclusively for presentation to the tax and supervisory authorities, as well as to the courts and other authorities upon request. "

Moreover, since the entry into force of the personal data protection provisions, paper-based work has become much more difficult and therefore the cost of archiving only paper documents has increased several times. According to Big Four operators, the storage and processing of paper copies of treaties makes more than one billion roubles. They're spending more money on banks, insurers and government. Therefore, if the above-mentioned amendments are adopted, savings can be hundreds of billion roubles per year.

According to the project, the electronic duplicates of the government will also form for all documents produced, which are legally required to be kept for more than three years. Citizens will have the opportunity to receive these electronic duplicates free of charge.

The bill allows communication operators to create electronic duplicates of communication contracts. The advertisers will be entitled to destroy the subscriber ' s paper consent to be advertised if the document is translated into electronic form. The personal data operator will be able to destroy the written consent of the citizen to process his information except in certain categories Personal datae.g. biometric.

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