Data Storage

Federal Personal Data Maintenance Act

New review of the Federal Personal Data Protection Act
Закон О персональных данных — Российская газета

The law firm Nadmitov, Ivanov and Partners presents to you a review of the Federal Act " On amending certain laws of the Russian Federation to clarify the processing of personal data in information and telecommunications networks " , which entered into force in September 2016. Review available for download: Review of the Federal Personal Data Protection Act

(1) Importance of Federal Act No. 242-F

  • On 4 July 2014, the State Duma adopted Federal Law No. 242-FZ, the main innovation of which was the requirement to keep personal data from Russian citizens on Russian servers. By entering into force on 1 September 2016, the law under review will have a significant impact on domestic and foreign business; tangible changes will affect companies with large personal data from banking, tourism, international passenger transport companies, etc.

(2) Newella Federal Law No. 242-FZ

  • Requirement Personal data storage Russian servers;
  • Establishment of a single information system, " Register of violators of the rights of personal data actors " (resistant register);
  • A person ' s right to apply to Roskandasor to limit access to information processed in violation of the law;
  • Instruction in the personal data processing notification (directed to the authorized body) of the location of the database with data from Russian citizens

(3) Basic content of the law under review

  • The main objective of the 242-FZ is to protect the personal data of citizens of the Russian Federation, so that information can be stored only on servers located in the Russian Federation after the transition period. There are few exceptions to this rule: implementation of the provisions of an international treaty, administration of justice and journalism, provision of public services.
  • In the event of a court ' s finding of a violation of personal data storage, the Roscope will be obliged to initiate a procedure for blocking the Internet site. On the basis of a court decision, the blocked resource automatically enters the register of violators, the exception of which is possible only after the judgement has been withdrawn or when the person concerned has been referred.
  • Operators in the handling of personal data will now be required to include information on the location of databases in the notification to the designated authority if they contain personal data from RF citizens.

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