Data Storage

Order For The Approval Of Personal Data Storage Sites

Manual for filling the operator ' s notice of personal data

уведомление, роскомнадзор, защита персональных данныхIn the third part of the round of articles on preparations for the Roskandasor review of compliance with the requirements of personal data law, I highlighted the importance of correctly completing the notice when the notification was to be completed and promised to elaborate on how to complete each notification field. In fact, this article is the same as the Tutorial for filling.

It would seem that according to the names of many fields, it must be intuitive to understand what it is to write. But practice shows that many operators have personal data and that some are entering the real stage in an attempt to fill all fields.

There should be no problem with the first positions: the Roskundsor territorial office to be notified; then the type of operator selected; the introduction of a complete and abbreviated name of the operator in accordance with the constituent instruments; the actual and legal address; the selection of its region and the filling of the organization ' s audits (the mandatory are only INNs and OGRNs).

The following fields are not so intuitive and may raise a number of questions.

Under " Legal basis for processing Personal data" All legal and internal documents that may in some way be related to the processing of PoAs may be indicated. In general, starting with 152-FZ and FTC, legislation relating to the organization ' s activities continues (e.g., if it is a medical institution, then writes the same 323-FZ and other regulations, both federal and regional, relating to health care) and ends with the statute of the enterprise.

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